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Business, Insurance, Real Estate Brokers

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P3 Cost Analysts Franchise

P3 Cost Analysts

P3 Cost Analysts franchise is a home-based, B2B, franchise with low startup costs, and repeat residual income from multiples of revenue streams. Prior experience is not needed.

Cash Required: $50,000

ERA Group Cost Management Franchise

ERA Group

With more than 700 Business Consultants operating in over 35 countries, our franchisees enjoy the benefit of operating their own businesses and earning high levels of income.

Cash Required: $200,000

Tiger Adjusters Franchise

Tiger Adjusters

Tiger Adjusters® is the only Public Adjuster Franchise in the nation, providing a comprehensive business toolkit for Public Adjusters across the United States.

Cash Required: $25,000

Loyalty Business Brokers Franchise

Loyalty Business Brokers

Loyalty Business Brokers help people get equity out of their small business ( usually under $5 million). Proven business model, home based, low start-up costs and the best of the best in training.

Cash Required: $150,000

Brightway Insurance Franchise

Brightway Insurance Agency

Brightway offers two Insurance Agency Models to fit your budget. Insurance Agency owners sell a valuable product that safeguards your clients while generating residual earnings for yourself.

Cash Required: $50,000

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