Spending on quality, nutritional pet food is at an all-time high, which makes it a great time to own a Pet Wants franchise.
Pet Wants Franchise
Pet Wants are premium pet franchises that offer pet owners an alternative to the made-last-year bagged food that’s been sitting in warehouses or on store shelves for months. Our premium pet food is manufactured from whole ingredients (there are no by-products in Pet Wants foods). The result is a nutrition-rich, delicious food that is better for pets and doesn’t devastate owners’ pocketbooks. Pet Wants is a top-ranked pet food franchise because of the passion and effort put into the business.
- National Recognition – Tap into a growing, national market and be recognized instantly
- Affordable Startup – $50,000 startup requirement
- Strong Performance – Average Gross Revenue: $556,017*
Pet Wants Offers a Mobile Delivery Model and a Storefront Model
Our scalable Pet Wants model has two distinct phases built into the franchise model to help every owner reach their goals.
PHASE 1: Launch a Pet Wants Event-Based Mobile Franchise Model
Build Brand Awareness Before You Launch Your Retail Space
Pet Wants franchise offers a scalable retail model that starts mobile and builds to a full-blown retail pet store model that doesn’t break the bank. In phase one of opening the mobile event-based franchise is designed to help you build local brand awareness as you take advantage of farmers’ markets, dog shows, community events and festivals. Events like these are a great and inexpensive way to introduce Pet Wants food to a large number of customers and an easy way to acquire new subscription and delivery clients.
The Pet Wants mobile event-based franchise phase utilizes our signature, portable display kiosk, and a highly visible delivery vehicle decked out in the custom, attractive and energetic Pet Wants livery. Starting mobile limits your overhead and provides you with the opportunity to get started while building your retail location.
“Even though Pet Wants is a new, emerging company, we have over 100 owners” says DeNita Carani, President of Pet Wants. “At the same time, as the pet food industry continues to grow, consumers are becoming more educated about ingredients and the benefits of natural pet food. We’re currently the only brand that offers fresh food delivered right to the home.”
PHASE 2: Pet Wants Retail Storefront and Grooming Franchise Model
Pet Wants retail franchises offer affordable options for individuals who want to own a retail store but don’t want the costly overhead associated with larger pet chain franchises. In fact, many of our stores occupy less than the industry average and require fewer employees.
One year after launching in our mobile event-based phase, you have created connections making deliveries in a Pet Wants vehicle and attending community events. Getting out in the community, delivering our premium, fresh pet food, and growing your customer base will pay off when you open your retail store.
Comprehensive Training Sets You To Work From Day 1
The path to Pet Wants ownership flows through Cincinnati, where Pet Wants started. Over the course of a weeklong training program, franchise owners are put through the paces, learning about our products, management systems and support.
More importantly, they get to see firsthand the interactions of Pet Wants owners and the communities they serve. These communities are the heart of our third-party referral system.
- Passionate about pets: You’ve got to love pets to want to be a part of Pet Wants. Our four-legged friends are as big a part of this business as the owners who buy our foods.
- A desire to educate your clients: Pet Wants is a new-to-market product, and many pet owners won’t understand the value of serving fresh pet foods to their pets. That’s your job to explain, and if you’re passionate about sharing your knowledge, your business will grow.
- The drive to actively grow your brand: Pet Wants franchise isn’t a business for the absentee owner. Our Pet Wants franchisees are active, vital parts of their business, and they take part every day in overseeing its operations.