When you go to the dentist, you’re probably not thinking about business opportunities. You are generally more concerned with the tools the dentist is about to put into your mouth. What you might not be aware of, however, is that those tools can become part of a profitable business through franchising with The Dentist’s Choice.
Two-thirds of all dentists spend large amounts of money to have their tools repaired or replaced by the manufacturer instead of using a local company, according to The Dentist’s Choice. With a dentist tool repair company that specializes in keeping costs low for dentists, you can be in a position to reduce dental offices’ costs and help them improve the bottom line.
Dentists depend on their instruments to be in working order. When their tools break and need repairs, dentists can’t do their work. Dentists have to switch out expensive equipment with a backup, if they have one, or creatively rearrange appointments so they have the tools they need. When a vital tool breaks, it can mean a loss of revenue if appointments have to be canceled or if customers are frustrated enough with long wait times to change to a new dentist.
Sending dental tools to the original manufacturer to be repaired often means weeks waiting for the return of the tools. It’s very costly to have them repaired by the original manufacturer, too, so dentists often just get rid of broken instruments and buy brand new ones rather than be short handed. The solution to this problem is local repair shops that specialize in repairing dentists’ instruments—but these are few and far between. The Dentist’s Choice aims at opening local repair shops across the country to answer this problem.
One of the best business options is to target existing, underserved markets that have a high demand. Instead of competing with many similar buisnesses, franchise owners of The Dentist’s Choice have little competition. Their main competition is the original manufacturers of the tools — and they really have no motivation to discourage dentists from buying new tools. Dentists looking for affordable, fast options that provide quality repairs can look to The Dentist’s Choice easily. This means a successful business for franchisees right from the start.
If you’re interested in The Dentist’s Choice, talk with local dentists about their interest in a franchise that repairs instruments and how often they have breaks. Because of the relationship you might already have with your long-time dentist, it can be easy to ask questions and get valuable information from an industry insider.
When weighing out franchises, it’s a good idea to look at the marketplace. Is it crowded? Is there a lot of demand? Do one or two companies with poor service underserve it? If you find that a franchise answers all of these questions with results, you’re well on your way to owning a successful business.